Siri的9大酷炫技能 Siri给我讲个笑话吧(在线收听

   I didn't get my first iPhone until about a year ago (shut up), and even once I had it, I didn't immediately explore its full potential. You can therefore imagine my utter delight upon discovering all of the hidden talents that Siri has.

  Siri的9大酷炫技能 Siri给我讲个笑话吧
  1. Siri Will Help You Find A Designated Driver When You're Too Drunk To Spell Your Own Name1、当你醉的不省人事连自己的名字都拼不出时,Siri会帮助你寻找一名指定的司机This. Is. Awesome. At 6:41 in the morning, I decided to tell Siri that I was drunk. (I wasn't, obviously; I was at work.)这简直太棒了!在早上6:41的时候,我决定告诉Siri我喝醉了(事实上我并没有,我在工作)。
  Not only did she lay down the law and tell me that neither of us was getting behind the wheel, but she also offered to help me call a cab. Thanks, Siri!
  0e916610-a0f2-0133-987f-0a6c20e5e327 (1)_副本2. Siri Will Post Your Very Important Twitter Messages2、Siri会帮助你发布重要的推特消息
  I told Siri, "Post to Twitter," and this is what happened. I love Siri. She's like a friend that I can put in my pocket and take with me everywhere. Now I can keep all my followers updated with my exciting life.
  我告诉Siri, “发到推特上”,然后就发生了这个。我爱Siri。她就像我的一个可以装进口袋的朋友,可以和我去到任何地方。现在我可以第一时间更新我的精彩生活并且与关注我的人分享。
  17409b10-a0f2-0133-6e3b-0efce411145f_副本3. Siri Will Creep On Whoever Is Flying Over You3、Siri会知道飞过你头顶的一切东西
  Practical? No. Cool? YES. This kind of made me feel like a badass, knowing where all the nearby planes are (ish).
  1ec56660-a0f2-0133-6e39-0efce411145f_副本4. She'll Tell You What People Are Tweeting About4、她会告诉你其他人的推特内容
  Not only will Siri post your tweet for you, but if you politely ask her what someone is talking about on Twitter, she'll bring up some of their recent tweets. So much easier than signing into Twitter, typing the name...
  10ead1e0-a0eb-0133-a042-0e7c926a42af_副本5. She'll Tell An Entire Knock Knock Joke By Herself While Simultaneously Insulting You5、她会说出一个完整的“敲门”笑话同时羞辱你一下I was looking for a little light-hearted entertainment this morning. This is what I got. Mission: accomplished.
  996958b0-a0e7-0133-39a2-06e18a8a4ae5_副本6. She'll Sing You A Pretty Song
  Sometimes, I like to be serenaded while I write. Although I have to admit, I was surprised by her choice of song.
  7. Siri Will Boost Your Self-Esteem When You're Not Feeling Your Best7、当你自我感觉不好时,Siri会帮助你提高自尊心That was exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks, girlfriend.
  91b1dc70-a0e7-0133-a04c-0e7c926a42af_副本8. She'll Put You Back In The Friend Zone Where You Belong8、她会让你回到属于你的朋友圈
  This made me giggle.
  9. Siri Will Help You Take A Selfie
  Simply command, "Take a selfie." The only downfall is that when it opens the camera, it's not facing you.