英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0315 - 网络慈善能否放心捐(在线收听

Topic1- 80% of “laolai” still default: Supreme Court
Chinese people are afraid of losing face. But for some defaulters or “laolai”(老赖) in Chinese, it is not the case. According to recent statistics from the Supreme Court, 80% of “laolai” have failed to honor court-ordered payments. Why can they still default?
Topic2- Worldwide Cost of Living 2015
According to the Economist Intelligence Unit's latest worldwide cost of living survey,Singapore remains the world's most expensive city. Hong Kong, together with Zurich, took 2nd place. Shanghai ranks No. 11, and is still the most expensive city on the Chinese mainland. What other interesting findings are revealed by the survey?
Topic3- How to use donated money properly?
Recently, a netizen’s pictures about his overseas trip posted on WeChat’s friends circle has aroused heated public debate, as people think that he used donation that has been collected to save his daughter’s life for recreational purposes. Are people too quick to judge? Or is it all right for them to question where the money goes?
Topic4-10 Weird Things That Urban People Do
An online post has pointed out ten things that urban people do but rural people find silly. What are these things? Why do urban people do these things? And why rural people cannot understand?