
 How to be confident? 自信法则

Recognise your short-comings了解自己的缺点
Part of being confident is knowing who you are, what you are, and what you do well. Another part of confidence is knowing what youdon’t do so well. Why is it important to know what you don’t do well at? For multiple reasons:
You can improve. Knowing you don't do well at something gives you the insight to actively do something about it. If you're unaware that you don't do something very well, you won't be able to work on it– it's as simple as that.
You know what you're capable of. By knowing this,you can easily avoid situations where your confidence may take a blow by theseshort-comings because you're already aware of them!
Knowing where you fall short ultimately shines lighton where you excel. We can’t all excel at absolutely everything, but this justhelps us to appreciate where we excel even more.
We can hand over what we can't do well, to those who will do it well.
So while it may sound contradictory to feeling confident, ultimately it opens us up to the reality of being human. It frees you from the need to be a perfectionist. That in itself will sky-rocket your confidence because you also realise that everyone else is going through the exact same thing!