
 How to be confident?

Ask other people for their opinion on you
It's easy to get trapped in your head, and be convinced all of these flaws that you see are how everyone else sees you.Luckily, it's pretty simple to remedy this self-damaging thought pattern. Go to someone you're close with and ask them what they think of you. Listen to allthe loving things they have to say about you. Listen as they point out all of your awesome points, that they see, rather than the flaws that you see.
Once they've given you their opinion of you, try to understand it. Try to accept it. Try to realise that very few people, if any atall, are looking at you and seeing these flaws you've identified in your head.They're seeing you when you're not caught up in all this self-damaging monologue. There's a beauty to you that you're often blind to.