经济学人:美国迎来超级星期二 美国大法官沉默十年开口(在线收听

 Super Tuesday in America saw a dozen state primary elections in the presidential nominating process. Hillary Clinton reinforced her position as the front-runner in the Democratic race, winning Texas, Georgia, Virginia and Massachusetts. Bernie Sanders took Colorado, Minnesota and two other states, but he remains far behind Mrs Clinton in the delegate count. Donald Trump lengthened his lead in the Republican contest by winning most states on offer. Ted Cruz won his home state of Texas and Marco Rubio chalked up his first win, in Minnesota. But it looks increasingly unlikely that the party establishment will be able to trip Mr Trump.

美国迎来了大选的超级星期二,多个州进行党内初选。希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)赢得了德克萨斯州、乔治亚州和马萨诸塞州的支持,其在民主党内第一名的位置得到进一步巩固。伯纳德·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)赢得了科罗拉多州、明尼苏达州和其他两个州的支持,但在党代表席位数目上依然远远落后于希拉里。在共和党的党内初选中,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)赢得了大多数州的支持,进一步拉大与党内对手的距离。泰德·科鲁兹(Ted Cruz)赢得其家乡德克萨斯州的支持,马克罗·鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)在明尼苏达州首次获胜。但就目前形势来看,共和党越来越难扳倒特朗普了。
David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, backed Mr Trump for president. Never normally lost for words, Mr Trump stopped short of denouncing Mr Duke in a TV interview, prompting another volley of criticisms from Republicans and Democrats. Mr Trump deflected these by saying he hadn't understood the question.
三k党(Ku Klux Klan)前大佬戴维·杜克(David Duke)支持特朗普竞选总统。向来善于应对的特朗普在一次电视访谈中拒绝谴责杜克,遭到共和党和民主党攻击。特朗普称自己当时不理解问题,以试图为自己开脱。
Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court justice, broke his decade-long silence on the bench (thought to be a record) and asked questions in a case on gun rights. The audience gasped. Many theories have been proffered for his failure to speak, but the death last month of the loquacious Antonin Scalia, a close ally, may have left Justice Thomas thinking that the time has come for him to stick up for strict constructionism.
美国最高法院大法官克拉伦斯·托马斯(Clarence Thomas)十年来首次在法庭上打破沉默,并就一个有关持枪权的案例进行提问,听众对此十分震惊。外界对于他的不开口说话有很多猜测,但上个月安东宁·斯卡利亚(Antonin Scalia)的去世,或许使托马斯认为是时候维护严格阐释主义了。斯卡利亚是托马斯的盟友,以能言善辩著称。
The UN Security Council adopted tougher-than-expected sanctions on North Korea following its nuclear test and rocket launch earlier this year. They include mandatory inspections of all shipments to the country, a ban on sales of aviation fuel and a halt to exports from the North of iron and coal. But China will need to be the chief enforcer of the sanctions if they are to work.
Chinese internet companies shut down the microblogs of Ren Zhiqiang, a property tycoon. He had used an account with 38m followers to criticise President Xi Jinping's efforts to tighten Communist Party control over the media. China's internet regulator accused Mr Ren of publishing “illegal” messages.
A court in the coastal Chinese province of Zhejiang sentenced a Christian pastor, Bao Guohua, to 14 years in prison for corruption and inciting people to disturb social order. His wife was jailed for 12 years. Mr Bao's refusal to remove a cross from his church's roof had angered the authorities. A Christian lawyer who had supported churches that erect illegal crosses was shown on local TV apparently confessing to having colluded with foreigners to stir up trouble.
1.knock out 淘汰;击败
例句:He predicated in rhyme, with unerring accuracy, the round in which he would knock out his opponent.
2.hold out 坚持
例句:Professional football and baseball players hold out if their team refuses to pay them what they think they are worth.
3.tend to 倾向于
例句:We all tend to overemphasize the purposes we feel most passionate about and neglect the others. Churches do the same thing.
4.pick up 捡起;接载
例句:He would just pick up the phone and get foreign people to invest in his economy in South Africa.