经济学人:美国堕胎问题 重返公堂(下)(在线收听

 The Supreme Court itself has already endorsed limits after 24 weeks, the point at which a fetus is considered to be viable outside the womb, putting it squarely alongside public opinion.

The best way forward would be to pass legislation to this effect.
But there is no chance of that, because the two sides are farther apart than ever, with some pro-choice groups arguing that abortion is an absolute right that cannot be restricted under any circumstances, and their pro-life opponents retorting that all abortions are acts of murder.
The shift to the extremes has been most noticeable among Republicans.
Marco Rubio, who currently looks a good bet to win his party's presidential nomination, is in favour of any law that promises to reduce the number of abortions, even one without exclusions for rape or incest.
In the past four years state legislatures have put in place 231 restrictions on abortions—more than in the whole of the previous decade.
Bill of rights
To make abortion safe, legal and rare remains a good aim for America's laws.
But closing legal abortion clinics does nothing for safety, whatever the proponents of the Texan law claim.
If such restrictions are adopted more widely, abortion will, in practice, become illegal in many places, leading to the return of dangerous, clandestine procedures.
如果更多地区采用这些限制条例,那么堕胎实际上在很多地方将不合法,而那些危险隐秘的堕胎程序将回归,It will not necessarily become rarer.
Whatever the law, abortions will be carried out.
The appeals court which upheld HB2 earlier this year acknowledged as much when it wrote that Texans who wanted an abortion could in future drive to New Mexico.
Factors other than its legality are more important in lowering the abortion rate.
Between 2002 and 2011—just before some states began to pile on restrictions—America's abortion rate dropped by 14%, largely because the rate of teenage pregnancy fell.
That nine unelected justices can do a better job of reflecting what America, in aggregate, favours than thousands of elected politicians in Washington or state capitols—as they did when ruling for gay marriage—is a painful indictment of American politics.
总的来说,与华盛顿或州议会选举出的数千名政客相较,最高法院那9名未经选举的法官似乎更能理解与反映美国所推崇的文化。正如在裁决同性婚姻问题时他们的做法一般。那是对美国政治活动的控诉,It is nevertheless true.
Despite the reaction it will provoke, the court should strike down HB2.
1.consider to 考虑
例句:They needed more time to consider whether to hold an inquiry.
2.shift to 转向
例句:America's shift to a service economy also favors college grads, who increasingly tend to be female.
3.put in place 实施;实现
例句:How many of them have you put in place?
4.aim for 瞄准
例句:For the moment, it makes sense for Japan to aim for good relations with both the US and China.