听歌学英语:如果你离开我 If You Leave Me Now(在线收听

if you leave me now 如果你现在离开我
you'll take away the biggest part of me 你将带走我最要的部分
woo no baby please don't go woo.宝贝不要走
and if you leave me now 如果你现在离开我
you'll take away the very heart of me 你将带走我最要的部分
woo no baby please don't go woo,宝贝不要走
woo girl i just want you to stay woo .女孩 ,我只想让你呆着
a love like ours is love that's hard to find 我们的爱是很难寻找的
how could we let it slip away 我们要怎样让它溜走
we've come too far to leave it all behind我们来的太远以至于不能让它远去
how could we end it all this way我们应该这样用尽方法来结束
when tomorrow comes we'll both regret当明天来临的时候我们都将遗憾
the things we said today今天我们所说的事
a love like ours is love that's hard to find我们的爱是很难寻找的
how could we let it slip away我们怎样让它溜走
we've come too far to leave it all behind我们来的太远以至于不能让它远去
how could we end it all this way我们应该这样用尽方法来结束
when tomorrow comes we'll both feel bad当明天来临的时候我们都将难过
the things we said today我们今天所说的事情
if you leave me now如果你现在离开我
you'll take away the biggest part of me你将带走我最重要的不分
woo no baby please don't go宝贝请不要走
woo girl, just got to have you by my side女孩、只要要你在我的身边
woo no baby please don't go 宝贝不要走
woo mama i just got to have your loving, yeah~我只想取得你的爱

歌词:We've come too far to leave it all behind.
Come too far是指走得太远了,听几个例句:
We've come too far; turn the car around and go back.
我们已经走了很远, 把车掉过头来往回开吧。
We cannot let this moment slip away. We have come too far and accomplished too much.
这个例句中的slip away也是之后的歌词中出现的短语,“溜走”的意思。
A love like ours is love that's hard to find. How could we let it slip away?
Come too far是指走得太远,不要和go far混淆。
Go far一般表示成功、扬名; 比如:
She's got a good education and a charming personality and she should go far.
She is very clever and will go far in her new job.
Go far还有“持久”的意思:
This drink and food won't go far for ten people.
Leave behind表示“留下、遗留”。
Leave behind a clean world for future generations.
When you go camping, please do not leave behind any trash.

歌词:Ghen tomorrow comes we'll both feel bad.
见一面少一面,谁知道明天见的这一面会不会就是永别呢?说点积极的东西:Tomorrow is another day-明天是新的一天。这句话安慰人的时候经常用,尤其当别人失望的时候。
Don't be too upset you didn't win a prize, tomorrow is another day.
下一个短语tomorrow的表达:as if there's no tomorrow。As if是“好像”的意思。好像没有明天似的,好像是最后一次机会似的。比如:My wife went to the shops and was spending money as if there's no tomorrow. 我妻子去商店拼命花钱,就好像以后没机会去商店一样。就是恨不得一次性把所有喜欢的东西都卖光,而事实上呢,买了又买,买了又买,是很多女生的通病吧。衣柜里明明很多衣服,却总是说:没衣服穿。
接下来的这个表达叫做:Tomorrow comes never. 字面翻译是明天永远都不回来的,说的是让人不要拖延,切莫依赖明天。
Do not leave your work until tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. 别把你的工作留到明天。今日事今日做。确实,明日复明日,明日何其多
Again you say you will do it tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. 你又说明天才做。你的明天永远不会来了。
拖延症犯的时候就告诉说:Tomorrow never comes。尽量地去减少这种拖延症(procrastination)。
