听歌学英语:一直爱着你 Keep On Loving You(在线收听

I've been waiting for the time我一直在等待,等待这一刻
Waiting for you to say you're mine等你告诉我,你属于我
Can't hide these feelings inside我无法隐藏内心的感受
Let me hold you tonight让我今夜拥你入睡
I really want you to know我真的想让你知道
All these feeling I have to show我要向你表白所有这些我的感受
How much I've been loving you我是多么的爱你
Tell me you'll be mine告诉我,你将属于我
Gonna love you一直爱着你
Keep on loving you dear继续爱着你,亲爱的爱人啊
I will love you我会一直爱着你
Till then end of time直到海枯石烂
I'll be with you no matter what happens无论世事如何变化,我会一直守在你的身边
I'll be there by your side我会一直守在你的身边
I will hold you我会一直抱着你
Hold you here in my arms紧紧地把你抱在我的怀里
I will promise I won't let you go我会承诺,承诺我不会让你离我而去
Stay with me, make all our dreams come true与我厮守,让一切的梦都实现
I will give you all I have我会给你我的全部
Cause you mean the whole world to me因为你对我来说,就是整个世界
I will love you with my heart我会用我的心去爱你
And we'll never apart我们永远都不分开

歌词:Can't hide these feelings inside. Let me hold you tonight.
Hide的基本意思是“(把…)藏起来”,引申表示“掩饰”解,通常用于事实、感情等方面。歌词中的hide felling就是掩饰感觉/情感。hide还可以表示“隐瞒”,通常接facts(事实)等等。用作名词的时候,hide的意思是“(厚的、粗的)兽皮”,是可数名词。比如:
The bag was made of hide. 这个包是兽皮做的。
His words had a hidden meaning. 他的话里还有隐藏的意思,也就是他话里有话。
分享一个短语hide nor hair of,这个短语中的hide其实是名词,表示“皮肤”,而hair我们知道是头发的意思,hide nor hair of-没有皮肤也没有头发,这个短语通常表示某人〔某物〕的踪迹,而且是否定的意思,举几个例句体会一下:
I could find neither hide nor hair of my pen. 我怎么找也找不到我的笔。
A button left off my coat and I find neither hide nor hair of it. 我大衣上掉了一粒扣子,我没能找到它。

歌词:Gonna love you, keep on loving you dear. I will love you till the end of time.
Keep on是“继续”的意思,歌名就是Keep on loving you,继续爱你,或者说一直爱着你。再听个例句:
She kept on working although she was tired. 她虽然疲劳但仍继续工作。
下一个短语是the end of,在...的结束,歌词中用的是the end of time,时间的尽头,表白的时候这个表达用的频率很高,分享两个甜甜的句子:
Darling, you know I'll love you till the end of time.
You are the candle that shines on the heart of mine till the end of time.
有人问在尽头到底用介词at还是in。At the end可以和 of连用,指时间,处所,等的“尽头”,比如:
At the end of the road, you can see the shop. 在这条路的尽头,你能看到那家商店。
At the end of last term ,we had an English exam.上在学期结束时,我们举行了一次英语测试。
In the end却不能够和of连用,意思是“最后,终于。” 例如:
In the end ,they found their teacher.最后,他们找到了他们的老师。
By the end of是“到…为止”的意思,比如:
They hoped to achieve their aims by the end of the year. 他们希望在年底前实现他们的目标。

歌词:I'll be with you no matter what happens, I'll be there by your side.
No matter无论,不管。比如:
We'll have to find the job, no matter how long it takes。 不管花多长时间,我们都得找到工作。  
No matter who相当于whoever,no matter what则相当于whatever,同样的no matter when就相当于 whenever。如:
No matter who knocks, don't open the door。 不管谁敲门,都不要开门。
这个句子相当于:= Whoever knock, don't open the door。
No matter what problems you have, turn to me.不管你有什么问题,来找我帮忙好了。
这个句子换个说法也就是: Whatever problems you have, turn to me。
另外,在口语中No matter可以单独使用,用来安慰或劝解别人,意为“不要紧,没关系”,相当于Never mind或It doesn't matter。比如:  
No matter。 I'll give you more help。 不要紧,我会多帮助你的。
