英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0322 - 碾压人工智能只有靠情怀?(在线收听

Topic 1-Chinese Woman Verbally Abused on Virgin Flight
A Chinese woman has claimed a Caucasian man called her racist names on a Virgin Atlantic flight and the airline failed to give an acceptable response. The Facebook accounts of the airline company and its founder Richard Branson have been inundated with thousands of comments left by angry Chinese internet users. Also, it is one of the most discussed topics in Chinese media since the past weekend.
Topic 2-Artificial Intelligence VS Human
AlphaGo's win over one of the world's best Go players has got us wondering about which direction artificial intelligence is heading. Will robots beat humans in areas beyond playing an ancient chess game, or have they already done so? IT industry heavy weights, Jack Ma, Lei Jun & Mark Zuckerberg, have offered their views on the prospects of artificial intelligence at the China Development Forum in Beijing.
Topic 3-10 Weird Things That Urban People Do
An online post has pointed out ten things that city dwellers do but rural folks find silly. What are these things? And why is it so hard for rural folks to comprehend?