美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-3-10(在线收听

 1. Trade and the influence of Wall Street were some of the big topics in democrat Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debate in Flint, Michigan on Sunday night. Both candidates also explained why each one could be the best to take on republican Donald Trump. 

2. Senator Sanders won the main democratic caucus on Sunday. Michigan holds this primary on Tuesday. 
3. More heavy rains are expected in California as the state cleans up from this weekend's storm. The National Weather Service says the area of northern California could line up with 20 inches of rain over 7 days. 
4. And president Obama is among those expressing condolence at the death of former first Lady Nancy Reagan. The widow of former president Ronald Reagan was 94. 
Sandy Kozel, the associated press, with AP news minute.