美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-3-14(在线收听

 1.  Former republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina says she is endorsing Texas senator Ted Cruz for president. Speaking at a rally in Miami on Wednesday, Fiorina called Cruz a leader and a reformer willing to take on the status quo in Washington. 

2. Family and friends of former first lady Nancy Reagan attended a memorial service in Santa Monica, California. The casket of the former first lady was led by a procession to the Reagan presidential library in Mini valley where she will be buried next to her husband, former president Ronald Reagan. 
3. And an explosion rocked a Seattle neighborhood early Wednesday, injuring 9 firefighters, forcing evacuations and heavily damaging buildings. The blast occurred after fire crews responded to the reports of a national gas leak.  
4. And a zoo keeper is stepping in as an around-the-clock to an orphaned baby kangaroo in North Dakota. WDay TV reports that the baby's mother died unexpectedly weeks ago. Now the keep has volunteered to take over the mother's duties. 