英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0324 - 明星凭啥出书?(在线收听

Topic 1-More Than 200 Copycat Social Organizations Exposed
China's Ministry of Civil Affairs has disclosed a blacklist of 203 unlicensed social organizations. It is said that these organizations attempt to make money with titles resembling officially registered ones.
Topic 2-Celebrity Authors
The latest celebrity-turned author rich list is in, with CCTV host Bai Yansong, TV host Le Jia, and talk show host Gao Xiaosong topping the list. Why do so many celebrities want to publish a book? Are star-turned-authors any good?
Topic 3-China Sleep Quality Index 2016
Did you have a good night sleep? A report released on this year's World Sleep Day says that on average, Chinese people scored 69 out of 100 in the world sleeping index, indicating an overall gap in the quality of sleep for Chinese people. What's negatively affecting our sleep?
What factors influence Chinese people's sleep? Do those various smart devices affect your sleep?