【英语时差8,16】英国:苏格兰 -下(在线收听

"It is cold, and it is damp and it does get dark very early. And you know so you want warm comfort food and warm comfort food is delicious and it is simple, but it takes time to prepare. So you can see over a long period of time how people began to develop the taste for fast food. " Andrea: It's cold and damp and it gets dark early. But comfort food can take a long time to make which is why a lot of Scottish people or Scots often buy fast food. What a shame! "They've got a fantastic tradition of baking bread, cakes...it's marvellous. The other interesting thing with Scots cooking is that everything has its name: Dundee cake and Dundee marmalade, everything had its place. Everyone knew where it had come from, where the best one was and who made the best one. With all that's been lost from the centre of towns, the bakers still you know mostly seem to prevail. " Andrea: He mentions a very well-known kind of cake called Dundee cake. Have you ever tried it Jean? I love it! Long live Scottish cooking. Time for us to go but remember you can find this programme and many other BBC Learning English programmes on our website, So until the next time - bye! Jean: Bye!