【英语时差8,16】介绍北爱尔兰 -上(在线收听

Andrea: It was created as a distinct division of the United Kingdom in 1921. And it now shares a border with the Republic of Ireland. Today we're going to be finding out a little bit about Northern Ireland, one of four countries that make up the United Kingdom. Hello. I'm Andrea. Northern Ireland is probably best known around the world for its conflict. "There's no such thing as Catholic or Protestant. You're all Christians and they didn't deserve this. " Andrea: And so Irish identity is complex. But something that brings the country together is Irish dancing. Dr Catherine Foley has studied the origins of Irish dancing. "Irish dance is a very broad concept but if you're looking at Irish step dance, that goes back to end of the 18th century with the arrival of the dancing masters from Europe who would be here in Ireland. They travelled round a 10 mile radius of their home and they would teach in local villages or got the hire of a hall or a barn, in a house or the kitchen of a house and people went evenings to classes. The patrons were really the agricultural community, the farmers. "
