
"It’s such a pleasurable experience. " "I don’t really go to (the) theatre but that was really impressive." "We came for a special treat. " "I just love (the) theatre. " Andrea: Going to the theatre is just another way many people in Britain like to spend a night out. And we’ll be finding out what makes going to the theatre so special. Hello. I’m Andrea. Jean: And I’m Jean. Andrea: In this series we’re finding out what young people in the UK do of an evening. "It’s such a pleasurable experience. " "I don’t really go to (the) theatre but that was really impressive." "We came for a special treat. " "I just love the theatre. " Andrea: We asked people why they love going to the theatre. And we got some interesting replies. Jean: One person said it was a pleasurable experience. Andrea: Another said that they don’t go that often to the theatre but that the show was impressive. For someone else this was a special treat. And the last person just loves theatre. So what makes going to the theatre such a special night out? Malcolm Jones, a theatre historian, tells us what he thinks makes it so wonderful.
