VOA慢速英语2016 推特10岁了(在线收听

AS IT IS 2016-03-22 Twitter Turns 10 推特10岁了

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On Monday,Twitter turned 10.


The 140-character messaging service launched in March 21, 2006. Since then, Twitter has become a global communication tool, with 320 million users.


It all began with a simple tweet from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey. On the afternoon of March 21, 2006, he posted, "just setting up my twttr."

一切要从推特创始人Jack Dorsey 发的一通简讯说起。在2006年3月21日的一个下午,他发布了一条消息,”创立我的twttr(推特原名)“。

Some of the biggest news events in the past 10 years broke first on Twitter.


Twitter, the popular social media tool, turned 10-years-old on Monday, March21. About 320 million people around the world use the Twitter service.配图文字:推特,流行的社交媒体工具,3月21日,星期一,已经满10周岁了。全世界大约有3.2亿人在使用推特。

The first report of the U.S. raid that killed Osama Bin Laden came from a Pakistani man's tweet. And the first photo of an American airplane that landed in New York's  Hudson River was posted on Twitter.


Thepro-democracy Arab Spring protests played out and spread on Twitter. And the #BlackLivesMatter movement gained strength through the social media site.


Today, Twitter users are showing their gratitude for the past 10 years with the hashtag #LoveTwitter.


The idea for a hashtag came more than a year after Twitter's creation. On August 23, 2007,Chris Messina suggested the idea of using the pound (#) symbol to organize tweets.

推特创立1年多之后就有了话题标签的主意。2007年8月23日,Chris Messina 建议用#标签来组织话题。

Twitter started using the hashtag feature in 2009.                  


The hashtag made twitter a more powerful platform for activists and a popular tool for breaking news.


The most commonly used hashtag is #FF, which stands for Follow Fridays. Twitter user Micah Baldwin proposed #FF in a tweet back in January of 2009.

用得最多的话题标签是#FF,代表#Follow Fridays (账号推荐功能)。2009年1月,推特用户Micah Baldwin 创立了#FF标签。

The idea of a retweet function also came from a Twitter user. Eric Rice posted the world's"first" retweet on April 17, 2007.

转推功能这主意也是来自一个推特用户。Eric Rice 在2007年4月17日,发布了世界上的“第一“条转推消息。

Twitter users soon began copying tweets with an "RT" at the beginning of the post. Retweeting became afeature on Twitter more than two years later, in November 2009.


The most retweeted post of the past 10 years is comedian Ellen DeGeneres' #OscarSelfie. DeGeneres took the famous selfie during the 2014 Academy Awards. It received more than 2 million retweets.

过去10年间被转推的是喜剧演员Ellen Degeneres发布的的奥斯卡大咖自拍秀的推文。Degeneres在2014年奥斯卡金像奖颁奖仪式期间发布了这张著名的自拍照。这条推文大约被转发了两百万次。

Twitter may need some more great ideas from its users to survive the next 10 years. Observers are questioning the company's future. Despite its worldwide popularity, Twitter has yet to find a way to make money. It has also been criticized for being slow to control hate speech. And for the first time ever, the number of Twitterusers went down during the last quarter. The company reported itlost 2 million users during the last months of 2015.


The problems led Twitter's founder, Jack Dorsey, to return to the company.

这些难题也让已经离任的推特创始人,Jack Dorsey,又回到了推特公司。

Last year, the company said it was considering removing Twitter's famous 140-character limit.


But Dorsey said earlier this month that the limit would remain.


Words in This Story 

movement - n. a series of organized activities in which many people work together to do or achieve something

gratitude - n. a feeling of appreciation or thanks

propose - v. to suggest something to a person or group of people to consider

quarter - n. one of four divisions of a year : a period of three months
