听歌学英语:攀登 The Climb(在线收听

I can almost see it仿佛就在眼前
That dream I'm dreamin' but 梦想
There's a voice inside my head saying但是,脑海却响起
you'll never reach it否定的声音
Every step I'm taking每一步
Every move I make feels 每一个动作
Lost with no direction 因为没有方向而迷茫
My faith is shaking 信念,不再坚定
But I, I gotta keep trying. 但是,还是要继续尝试
Gotta keep my head held high 还是要昂首向前

There's always gonna be another mountain 总是会有新的山峰出现
I'm always gonna wanna make it move 总是需要继续征服
Always gonna be an uphill battle总是会有另一场艰难的战斗
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose有时候失败在所难免
Ain't about how fast I get there 可是要抵达目的地不在于速度
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景
It's the climb 而在于那攀登的过程

The struggles I'm facing 所面对的挣扎
The chances I'm taking所抓住的机会
Sometimes might knock me down but 也许有时我会一败涂地
No I'm not breaking 因此却不会而屈服
I may not know it 也许不经意地
But these are the moments that 挣扎的这些时刻会成为
I'm gonna remember most, yeah 一辈子珍藏的回忆
Just gotta keep going 只管继续前进
And I, I gotta be strong 我要,我要变得坚强
Just keep pushing on 'cause 须奋力前行,因为

There's always gonna be another mountain 总会有下一座山峦
I'm always gonna wanna make it move 在等我去将它移开
Always gonna be an uphill battle 总是会有另一场艰难的战斗
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose 很可能我会输掉一场争斗
Ain't about how fast I get there 但要抵达顶峰不在于速度
Ain't about what's waitin on the other side 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景
It's the climb 最重要的是那一场攀登


There's always gonna be another mountain 总会有下一座山峦
I'm always gonna wanna make it move 在等我去将它移开
Always gonna be an uphill battle 总是会有另一场艰难的战斗
Sometimes you're gonna have to lose 很可能令我无法越过
Ain't about how fast I get there 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景
It's the climb 最重要的是那一场攀登

Yeah-yeah-yeah 啊 - -

Keep on moving 继续前行
Keep climbing 继续攀登
Keep the faith 坚守信念
Baby 宝贝

It's all about 这一切只在于
It's all about the climb 只在于那一场攀登
Keep your faith 坚守你的信念
Keep your faith 坚守你的信念

the climb
climb: v 爬, 攀登 n 攀登,攀爬
The price of grain climbed back.粮价逐渐回升了。
I have some climbing plants in the garden.我的花园里长着一些攀沿植物。
The climb down was even harder than the climb up.下山比上山还艰难。
There was a steep climb on the road out of town.市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
The minister's climb to power took 8 years.这位部长花了八年的工夫攀升到权贵之尊。

Gotta keep my head held high 还是要昂首向前
high adj (时节)正盛的; (时机)成熟的,崇高的,
Washington is a man of high character.华盛顿是一个品德高尚的人。
It is high time you made up your mind.你该拿主意了。
He likes swimming in high summer.他喜欢在盛夏游泳。
The temperature reached a new high this summer.今夏气温达到新的最高纪录。
adv 高地;奢侈地
To live high does not mean being high in one's qualities.一个人的生活水平高并不等于品格也高。
The upstarts live high.暴发户们生活奢侈。

Always gonna be an uphill battle 总是会有另一场艰难的战斗
uphill ['?p'hil]adv.上坡地, 向上地 adj.上坡的, 向上的,费力的 n.上坡,登高
You have to gear down when you drive uphill.上坡行驶时必须换慢挡。
It's uphill work learning to ride a bicycle.学骑自行车是件难事。
an uphill struggle/battle/task艰难费时的斗争/战斗/任务
After the recent scandal, he faces an uphill struggle to win back public support before the next election. 最近发生的丑闻,使他要赢回公众的支持变得非常困难(在下一场选举之前)。

Sometimes might knock me down but 也许有时我会一败涂地
knock v 敲击,打击,非难,批评
Someone is knocking at the door.有人在敲门。
Please knock before entering.进来前先敲门。
The newspapers are too fond of knocking the team.报纸专爱挖苦那个队。
n 不幸,挫折,批评,贬损,敲击
We have to take certain knocks in life.我们在一生中总得遭受某些挫折。
knock sb out:使...失去知觉;使精疲力尽
Don't drink too much of this.It'll knock you out!这种酒别喝太多--喝多了就醉了!
She's knocking herself out with all that work.干那么多活,她快把自己累垮了。
