听歌学英语:空中云雀 Lark In The Clear Air(在线收听

Dear thoughts are in my mind,
and my soul it soars enchanted.
As I hear the sweet lark sing
in the clear air of the day.
For a tender beaming smile to my hope has been granted.
And tomorrow he shall hear all my fond heart longs to say.

I will tell him all my love,
all my soul's pure adoration.
And I know he will hear my voice
and he will not answer me nay.

It's this that gives my soul all its joyous elation.
As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day.

It's this that gives my soul all it's joyous elation.
As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day.

Dear thoughts are in my mind,and my soul it soars enchanted.醉人的想法浮于脑际沉醉的灵魂飘于天际 (enchanted adj,被动词,后置定语)
Dear:adj.亲爱的, 宝贵的, 昂贵的
She spoke of me as her dearest friend.她说我是她最亲密的朋友。
Fruit is dear at this time of year.一年中的这个时候水果是很贵的。
n.可爱的人, 亲爱的人
You're a dear to help me do the work.帮我干活,你真是太好了。
The accident cost him dear.这次事故使他损失惨重。
enchanted,原型,enchant [?n't??nt] vt. 使迷惑;施魔法;使陶醉;使入迷
The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess.巫师给漂亮的公主施了魔法。(sorcerer ['s?rs?r?] n. 魔术师;男巫士)
She enchanted all her friends.她把所有的朋友都迷住了。
The family was enchanted with the cute little girl.这一家子都非常喜欢这个漂亮的小姑娘。
enchanting,adj. 迷人的;妩媚的
If you do not mind me saying so, your smile is quite enchanting.如果您不介意我这么说的话/请恕我冒昧,您的微笑真的很迷人。
She has the most enchanting smile.她有着最迷人的微笑。

As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day.耳畔响起,百灵清脆甜美的歌声,弥漫在干净的空气。
clear adj 清澈的, 透明的,未作安排的,空的,无障碍的
The night was clear and the stars were out.夜空晴朗, 星星都出来了。
The road is clear of snow now.路上的雪已被清理干净了/路上已经没有雪了。
Tuesday afternoon is clear. Shall we meet then? 星期二下午有空, 我们在那时见面好吗?
in the clear:无嫌疑,无罪,清白无辜,有偿债能力的,脱离了困境
She was very ill for a few days but doctors say she's now in the clear.她大病了几天,但医生说她现在已无危险。
Now that I've told you everything, I can leave with a clear conscience.现在我已将一切都告诉了你, 我可以问心无愧地走了。
The sky is clearing.天空正在放晴。
In that case you'll have to clear yourself.那样的话, 你只得自行辩白了。

For a tender beaming smile to my hope has been granted.只因,拥有了那一抹梦寐以求的温柔笑容
beaming原型beam, n 横梁;光线;v 照射,流露,堆满笑容
Her face beamed with joy.她面露喜色。
Upon hearing the good news he beamed with joy.一听到这个好消息, 他高兴得眉开眼笑。
beaming: adj 光亮的, 笑盈盈的
She turned and gave me a beaming smile.
grant v 同意, 准予 n 奖学金, 助学金, 补助金
The firm granted him a pension.公司同意给他一笔养老金。
He was granted his freedom on the condition that he leave the country.他已获准恢复自由,条件是他离开这个国家。(leave用了虚拟语气)
Students in this country receive a grant from the government.这个国家的学生可得到政府的助学金。
She won a grant to develop her own business.
