英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0328 - “海淘”税收新政会影响谁?(在线收听

Topic 1-Driving under Influence of Drugs
China is getting serious about stopping citizens from getting behind the wheel while under the influence. The ministry of public security has revoked the driving license of 140 thousand drug users, and refused the application for a driving license of more than 2 thousand drug users. Further, the ministry is working with other law enforcement agencies to enlist driving under the influence of drugs into criminal law.
Topic 2-More Students Returning after Finishing Overseas Studies
According to the latest figures from the Ministry of Education, both the number of Chinese students heading overseas to study and the number of those returning home after finishing their studies abroad have increased year on year. Does this mean a growing number of people see better job prospects in China?
Topic 3-New Tax Rules for Cross-border E-commerce
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. A new tax policy will be applied to cross-border e-commerce from April 8. Concerns about tax hikes leading to price increases for foreign products may become true. It's already sent shockwaves through the industry. How will it affect us?