
Green Transport in London Paul: Ready for our green city ride Yang Li? Yang Li: I’m really excited! A green city ride on a pedi cab! Of course, you know that London is one of the great metropolitan cities of the world, but how green is its transport in terms of carbon emissions? Why don't we start with the increasing number of pedi cabs in London? Yang Li: So what are the benefits of riding a pedi cab,Paul? There are two benefits - the first is you get some exercise and you need to be little bit healthier than those chaps and two, you don't actually add pollutants to the environment and you are actually providing a service that is very, very welcome. And a lot of people who take a ride have exactly the same faces as you have now -big smiles. Paul: Another green vehicle that all the Chinese should be familiar with is, of course, the bicycle. London’s getting much more cycle friendly. So I think that that’s really, really excellent, but in another way I think the taxi drivers and the buses are actually…… they are not very nice to cyclists at all. Paul: Well I certainly see more electric cars .That’s right, let’s ask Maggie why she has chosen one. So environmentally it’s nice to feel that you are doing something towards the environment. You know, it’s nice to feel that you are not upping the emissions. The bravest thing that’s happened in London is the congestion charge. The Mayor of London took what was described as a universally unpopular decision to impose an unconditional charge for driving into the centre of London. It has been absolutely fantastic, it’s improved air quality, it’s reduced traffic, and, much to everyone’s surprise – even without meaning to do it – it’s reduced carbon emissions in central London as well. And that was one single brave act – no equipment, no technology required, just courage.
