听歌学英语:所谓的无所谓 Whatever This Town(在线收听

If you try to get close to me, be prepared. It might hurt
Cause I live like the human I am, so my nails will catch some dirt
Don't expect a knight on a horse to come rescue the princess in you
I got me on my mind. I put myself first and so should you.

If you find this too hard to survive
Please think before you say farewell
Without the history of my past I would be an empty shell
The bags that we carry around contain fragments of yesterday
The heavier the load, the harder to cope, but gas for the grey
Mmm...don’t you listen to the choir of jealous people full of hate
If they have nothing better in their life
I swear inside they ache...they ache

Whatever this town makes you think of me
I'll still be around when the final bell rings
Whatever this town makes you think of me
There's nothing that they can do this city hasn't already done
There's no need to be scared
So I laugh in their face when they pull their gun
There's nothing that they can do this city hasn't already done
There's no need to be scared
So I laugh in their face when they pull their gun

Whatever this town makes you think of me
I'll still be around when the final bell rings
Whatever this town makes you think of me
I'll still be around when the final bell rings

欢迎回来。惆怅哀伤的淡然之美,Whatever This Town,来自瑞典乐队Eskobar。‘If you try to get close to me, be prepared. It might hurt 你若想接近我,请做好受伤的准备;The heavier the load, the harder to cope, but gas for the grey昨天的包袱越沉重,日子便会越艰难;但却是迟暮之年的养料...’歌词是简单的,道理却藏得很深。我们可以对这个世界摆出一副无所谓的态度,但是却要别具一格地去愤世嫉俗。词汇扩展:

Cause I live like the human I am, so my nails will catch some dirt 因为我不过是常人一个,脱离不了污浊/指缝里会塞满污垢
dirt: n.污垢,无价值的东西,闲话,丑闻
Why did he throw dirt at such an innocent girl?他为什么要中伤一位如此单纯的姑娘呢?
We spent weeks trying to dig up dirt on that guy. 我们几星期来都在竭力挖那家伙的丑事。
treat sb. like (a piece of) dirt把某人看得一文不值;待某人如粪土
How could you treat her like dirt?你怎么能把她看得一文不值呢/你怎么能待她如敝屣呢?

The bags that we carry around contain fragments of yesterday 我们扛着装满昨天记忆碎片的包袱
contain vt.容纳, 包含, 抑制, 克制,可被……除尽
10 contains 5 and 2.十可被五和二除尽。
Try to contain your anger!你要设法抑制你的怒火!
Her statement contained several inaccuracies.她的陈述有几处不准确的地方。
fragment['fr?gm?nt]n.碎片, 片段 v.[fr?ɡ'ment] 使破碎, 分裂
The interruption fragmented his argument.他的辩论因被打断而显得不完整。
This was only a fragment of a long conversation with John.这仅仅是与约翰长谈的一个片断。
Europe had become infinitely more unstable and fragmented.欧洲已经变得相当不稳定,也越来越分化。

The heavier the load, the harder to cope, but gas for the grey 包袱越沉重,越难以应付,但是却是迟暮之年的养料
load[l?ud]n.负荷, 重担, 装载量 v.装载, 给(枪)装子弹
Her grief is a heavy load to bear.她的悲痛沉重得难以承受。
The good news has taken a load off my mind.那个好消息让我松了一口气。
Be careful!That gun's loaded.小心,那枪是上了膛的。
a load of 大量;许多
I've never heard such a load of garbage!这麽胡说八道我还从来没听说过。
get a load of sth= take a look at sth:打量;看一看,瞧瞧
Get a load of that doll over there. I wonder what her name is.快看那边那个美女,真想知道她的名字。

So I laugh in their face when they pull their gun所以面对他们拔出的枪,我忍不住狂笑
pull: [pul] v.拉, 拖, 牵, 吸引,玩花样 n.拉力, 引力, 影响力
Don't try to pull anything.别想耍什么花招。
Her good look gave her a pull over other girls.其他女孩相比她的美貌使她与占了优势。
He got the job mainly because his uncle had lots of pull with the president.他得到这份工作主要因为他叔父与总裁关系很好。
