听歌学英语:就坐在这里 Sitting Down Here(在线收听

Your words cut rather deeply你的话很伤人
They're just some other lies 不过又是一些谎言
I'm hiding from a distance 我躲在远处
I've got to pay the price 我必须付出代价
Defending all against it 如果要反抗这一切。
I really don't know why 我真的不知道为什么
You're obsessed with all my secrets 你总想知道我所有的秘密
You always make me cry 你总是把我弄哭
You seem to wanna hurt me 你似乎想伤害我
No matter what I do 无论我做什么
I'm telling just a couple 不过才说了几个
But somehow it gets to you 但不知道为什么总是会让你生气
But I've learned how to get revenge 但是我已经学会了有仇必报
And I swear you'll experience that some day 我发誓总有一天你会尝到同样的滋味

I'm sitting down here 我就坐在这里
But hey you can't see me 但是你看不见我
Kinda invisible 有点像隐形人
You don't sense my stay 你感觉不到我的存在
Not really hiding, not like a shadow 没有躲藏,也不是影子
Just thought I would join you for one day 只想跟着你过一天
I'm sitting down here 我就坐在这里
But hey you can't see me 但是你看不见我

I'm not trying to avoid you 没有刻意躲避你
Just don't wanna hear your voice 只是不想听见你的声音
When you call me up so often 但是你这么频繁地给我打电话
I don't really have a choice 我真的没有选择
You're talking like you know me 你说起话来好像很懂我
And wanna be my friend 想成为我的朋友
But that's really too late now 但是太迟了
I won't try it once again 我不会重蹈覆辙
You may think that I'm a loser 你也许以为我是个废柴
That I don't really care 但是我真的不在乎了
You may think that it's all forgotten 也许你以为我把一切都忘了
But you should be aware 但是你要知道
Cause I've learned to get revenge 因为我已经知道怎么报复你
And I swear you'll experience that some day 我发誓总有一天你会尝到同样的滋味

I'm sitting down here 我就坐在这里
But hey you can't see me 但是你看不见我
Kinda invisible 有点像隐形人
You don't sense my stay 你感觉不到我的存在
Not really hiding, not like a shadow 没有躲藏,不是影子
Just thought I would join you for one day 只想跟着你过一天
I'm sitting down here 我就坐在这里
But hey you can't see me 但是你看不见我

欢迎回来。Sitting down here来自挪威歌手Lene Marlin。爱情容不得猜忌,信任一旦失去,矛盾当然会风起云涌,最后只能分道扬镳。这是这首歌的主题。当然不希望这种情节发生在现实生活的爱情当中。希望你的爱情就像Lene的嗓音,清澈透明甜蜜温馨。词汇扩展:

Your words cut rather deeply你的话很伤人
cut: v.切, 割, 剪, 削减, 伤害, 切牌 n.切口, 份额,切, 割, 式样, 剪辑
Words cut more than swords.言语比利剑更伤人。
Each partner has a cut of the profits.每个合伙人都可分到一份利润。
a cut above 比...略胜一筹
Her work is a cut above that of the others.她干的活儿比别人要好些。
cut school/class:逃学/逃课
She started cutting classes.她开始逃课。
cut sb short:打断某人,插嘴
I tried to explain, but he cut me short.我试着解释,但是他打断了我。
not cut it:达不到要求;不能胜任
Players who can't cut it will have to leave.能力不够的球员须得离队。

defending all against it
Some players are better at defending.有些运动员较擅长打防卫。
She defended herself successfully in court.她在法庭上成功地为自己进行了辩护。
defend against 保卫;抵抗
The things we most need to hear are often the things we defend against hearing the most.我们最需要倾听的往往是我们最不想听到的事情。

But somehow it gets to you 但不知道为什么总是会让你生气
get to sb:使生气;使烦恼
I'm under a lot of pressure at work, and sometimes it gets to me a bit.我工作压力很大,有时候会有点烦。
Don't let things get to you.不要让什么事情去影响你的情绪。
get to do sth有机会能够做某事
We got to meet all the stars after the show.演出之后我们得以见到了所有明星。
You are not perfect. You don't get to judge me.你自己不完美,凭什么来给我扣帽子/评价我!
get at:一再批评,老是指责
He felt he was being got at by the other students.他觉得其他同学老是在刁难自己。
Why is he always getting at me?他为什么老是找我麻烦?

Cause I've learned to get revenge 因为我已经学会了怎样去报复
revenge [ri'vend?] n.报仇, 报复, 报复心, 雪耻机会 vt.报复, 报仇
Mark my words. —I shall revenge sooner or later.你听好了,我迟早会报仇雪恨的。
They vowed revenge on their enemies.他们发誓要向敌人报仇。
I did not do it out of revenge.我做那件事并不是出于报复。
