听歌学英语:虚位以待 Blank Space(在线收听

See the blank space in between
The black place where we end
And the dark spot where we begin
Is there anyone to know
Where we come from
Where we go
Is there anyone to know anything
I'm ready to become unsteady
To be part of this everlasting come and go
I'm ready to become unsteady
To be part of this everlasting flow
It's like a secret gap between
Coming to life and being dead
What do I mean
Is there anything before being born
Is there anything behind the exit door
I'm ready to become unsteady
To be part of this everlasting come and go
I'm ready to become unsteady
To be part of this everlasting flow
I'm ready to become unsteady
To be part of this everlasting come and go
I'm ready to become unsteady
To be part of this everlasting flow
I'm ready to become unsteady
To be part of this everlasting come and go
I'm ready to become unsteady
To be part of this everlasting flow
