听歌学英语:把手放开 Let Me Go(在线收听

A room full of sadness
A broken heart
And only me to blame
For every single part
No science or religion
Could make this whole
To be loved but never love
注定被爱 但却至今从未被爱
To have but never hold
注定拥有 但却至今从未拥有
It's a life alone and a desperate need
生活孤单寂寞 我们满心渴望
To be held to be loved so
想要被紧紧拥抱 被痴心深爱
This is gonna take a bit of getting used to
这样的生活 我需要花些时间才能慢慢习惯
but I know what's right for you
但我知道 对你来讲正确的是 你要
Fly high and let me go
高飞而去 放下我走
That sky will save your soul
When you pass by then you'll know
当你离开之后 你会发现
That this is gonna take a bit of getting used to
没有你的生活 我需要花些时间才能慢慢习惯
but I know what's right for you
但我知道 对你来讲正确的是 你要
Let me go
A head full of madness
And no where's safe
When tears aren't big enough
and love turns into hate
It's a life alone and a desperate need
生活孤单寂寞 我们满心渴望
To be held to be loved so
想要被紧紧拥抱 被痴心深爱
When you pass by then you'll know
当你离开之后 你会发现
That this is gonna take a bit of getting used to
没有你的生活 我需要花些时间才能慢慢习惯
but I know what's right for you
但我知道 对你来讲正确的是 你要
So let me go life will get better
放下我走 生活将会慢慢变好
And find the love I never gave ya
I know you lie there waiting all night long
我知道你躺在那里 整夜久久等待
so find where you belong
Oh Fly high and let me go Let me go
高飞而去 放下我走 放下我走
That sky will save your soul Let it save your soul tonight
苍天会让你灵魂得以解脱 今夜苍天会让你灵魂得以解脱
Fly high and let me go
高飞而去 放下我走
Let me go let me go
放下我走 放下我走
That sky will save your soul
But this is gonna take a bit of getting used to

歌词:A room full of sadness, a broken heart,and only me to blame.
Full of 充满
You’re always full of surprises. 你总是惊喜多多。
You’re full of questions.你问题真多。
She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
You're very full of yourself today, I must say. 你今天太自以为是了,我不得不说出来。
you are full of it. 你在胡说八道。
to blame 应受谴责的,有过错的;
The driver was not to blame for the accident.这次事故怪不着司机。
We were unsure (about) who was to blame.我们说不清该责怪谁。

歌词:It's a life alone and a desperate need.
alone?adj.单独的;独自一人的;孤单的 adv.独自地;仅仅
I was alone in the classroom. 我独自在教室里。
My father was sitting alone when I came in. 我进去时,我父亲一个人坐着。
leave〔let〕 alone 不理,不管〔惹〕,不烦扰,不干涉
Leave the cat alone!别惹那只猫!
Let my things alone!别动我的东西。
leave〔let〕 alone 更不用说,还不算
We can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.我们连自行车也买不起,更不用说汽车了。
He did not speak to me, leave alone help me.他连话都没跟我说,更谈不上帮助我了。
Desperate ['desp?r?t]  adj.绝望的;不顾一切的;极其想要的
I had no money left and was desperate. 我一点钱都没有了,简直绝望了。
He is desperate to get a job. 他非常渴求找到一份工作。

歌词:When you pass by then you'll know that this is gonna take a bit of getting used to,but I know what's right for you.
pass by?经过 走过
He happened to pass by there at that time. 他那时恰好从那里路过。
Get used to在这里是习惯的意思。比如:
John has got used to sleeping late. 约翰已习惯很晚睡觉了。
