
Oh life,the wonders that you bring 噢 生活 你所带来的惊喜
The beauty I can see 我所能看到的美丽
That I keep deep inside of me 我都铭记在内心深处
Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again 噢 生活 我觉得我又能再次能呼吸了
In a world where love will still remain 在一个还有爱的世界里

Choose your words,make them wise 明智地选择你的言辞吧
Many things have brought us where we are 许多事情让我们走到这地步
I am here,here with you 我在这里,和你一起
Close your eyes,let love heal the sorrow 闭上你的眼睛,让爱情治愈你的悲伤

Once again I feel alive 我再次觉得我还活着
I'm sure of this inside 我非常深切的肯定
And I need you more than ever 而我比任何时候都还需要你
Life's taught me so much more 生活教会了我更多
Feel stronger than before 感觉比以前更坚强了
Hope this feeling stays here forever 希望这感觉会永存

Long ago I was blind 很久以前 我很懵懂
I thought love was always here to stay 我以为爱情会一直存在
But we walked away 但是我们转身离去
And we said good bye 说了再见
Even though I knew I loved you still 就算我知道我仍然爱着你

Suddenly you were gone 突然间 你离开了
And she was in your arms 而她却在你的怀里
It's a picture I remember 这是我所记得的画面
I was lost, could not be saved 我迷失了自我,无可救药
My life just ran away 我的生命力就这样随之离去
I only wish that we could start over 我只是希望我们能重新来过

But true love will find its way 但是真爱会找到出路
Now a love is here to stay 现在这份爱在这里
I lost it once 我曾经丢了它
And now I found a way to live again 而现在我找到了让我再次活下去的方式

Oh life,the wonders that you bring 噢 生活 你所带来的惊喜
The beauty I can see 我所能看到的美丽
That I keep deep inside of me 我都铭记在内心深处
Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again 噢 生活 我觉得我又能再次能呼吸了
In a world where love will still remain 在一个还有爱的世界里

But true love will find its way 但是真爱会找到出路
Now a love is here to stay 现在这份爱在这里
I lost it once 我曾经丢了它
And now I found a way to live again 而现在我找到了让我再次活下去的方式

Oh life,the wonders that you bring 噢 生活 你所带来的惊喜
The beauty I can see 我所能看到的美丽
That I keep deep inside of me 我都铭记在内心深处
Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again 噢 生活 我觉得我又能再次能呼吸了
In a world where love will still remain 在一个还有爱的世界里
In a world where love will still remain 在一个还有爱的世界里

Oh life,the wonders that you bring 噢 生活 你所带来的惊喜
The beauty I can see 我所能看到的美丽
That I keep deep inside of me 我都铭记在内心深处
Wonder有奇迹的意思,有句话叫做:Wonders will never cease.
work wonders 创造奇迹,取得惊人的效果
She looked so tired before, but her holiday has worked wonders for her.
You have certainly worked wonders. 你肯定已创造了奇迹。
Wonder还有奇观和惊奇的意思。No wonder就是没什么好奇怪的,难怪,怪不得。
It is no wonder you can't sleep when you eat so much. 你吃这么多难怪睡不着。
in wonder 在惊奇中 with wonder 惊奇地
She looked at the boss in wonder. 她惊讶地看着老板。
The children looked at the pictures with wonder. 孩子们惊奇地看着这些图画。
I was just wondering. 我只不过是好奇而已。
I wonder whether they will arrive on time. 不知他们是否能准时到达。
deep inside?在...深处
I know deep inside that it isn't right. 在我内心里我知道这是不对的。
You know how much I'm missing her deep inside? 你知道我的内心对她的思念有多深吗?

I am here,here with you 我在这里,和你一起
Close your eyes,let love heal the sorrow 闭上你的眼睛,让爱情治愈你的悲伤
heal?vt.治愈;使恢复健康;使和解 vi.痊愈
The medicine and rest will soon heal your wound. 药物治疗和休息会使你的伤口很快愈合。
The long talk healed many of our differences. 那次长谈消除了我们的许多分歧。
heal the wounded and rescue the dying?救死扶伤
Sorrow ['s?r??]?n.悲伤;悲痛;懊悔;伤心事?vi.悲伤;惋惜;悔恨
He expressed his sorrow for what he had done. 他对自己所做的事情表示懊悔。
We sorrow over the death of his son. 我们都为他儿子死感到悲伤。
