英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0331 - 土豪Sam的烦恼(在线收听

 Topic 1-Beijing Subway Builds Suicide Intervention Mechanism

Suicide on subway systems is a public health challenge that has been reported in urban centers worldwide. Some Beijing subway stations have set up an intervention mechanism to prevent people from committing suicide in the subway. Will it be enough to keep blood off the tracks?
Topic 2-Massive waste generated by delivery services
The exponential growth of online shopping and express delivery services has brought great convenience to our lives. But it has also generated an abundance of garbage every day. As a result, a latest report says the billions of boxes and billions of meters of tape have become a new type of waste. How much have you contributed to the problem? Is there a way out?
Topic 3-5 Types of Chinese TV Dramas
Does this sound familiar? You’ve had a long day at work but now you’re finally home. You kick off your shoes, crack open a beer or a bottle of wine, and throw yourself on the couch. It’s time for a little entertainment. Switch on the TV set or computer and watch some TV. We got inspiration for this topic from Wechat public account Shameless. Let’s go through the list. The first category is “Bitch in the Palace.”