走进哈佛大学 第23期:学习赚钱两不误(在线收听

 Each year, Harvard students have to pay for the high tuition fees. Fortunately, the University provides students with many employment opportunities. Even before the students come to campus, the Student Employment Office at Harvard will send freshmen some information regarding working at Harvard, given that many students choose to work as soon as they start their new life at Harvard.

每年哈佛学生都要缴纳昂贵的学费。值得庆幸的是,学校给学生提供了很多工作 机会.甚至在开学前,哈佛大学的学生就业办公室就给新生们寄去了有关在哈佛工作 的信息,这主要是考虑到很多学生一开学就想工作。
There are both term-time and summer employment opportunities for students. The jobs are available at the Student Employment Jobs Database, from which students can find a variety of jobs, both on-campus and off-campus. In addition to searching for jobs through the jobs database, there are many other ways to find jobs. Some employers will also post their employment information on the website of Student Employment Office.
不管在学期内还是在暑假,学生都有工作的机会。工作可以在学生就业工作数据 库里找到,那里有各种不同种类的工作,包括校内的和校外的。除了通过工作数据库 找工作,还有其他很多找工作的办法。一些雇主会在学生就业办公室的网站上公布招 聘信息。
Some students work consistently over the course of the year, averaging between eight and twelve hours a week. Other students work periodically and have secured jobs that allow them great flexibility in their work schedules. Students work on and off campus, on the Federal Work Study Program or on Regular payroll. Students may work at a given job as long as they are students at Harvard, and may work more than one job at a time. Students must be paid for hours worked on a weekly basis.
有的学生一整年都在工作,平均一周工作8到12个小时;有的则周期性工作,他 们有稳定的工作,这样就可以在工作日程上有很大弹性。学生有的在校园内工作,有 的在校园外工作,有的在联邦工读计划内,有的则靠定期发工资。学生可以一直做某 一份工作,只要他/她还是哈佛的学生;可以同时做两份或两份以上的工作。学生的 工资必须是每周按照其工作时间长短定期发放。
Undergraduates may not work more than 20 hours per week while enrolled and 40 hours per week when classes are not in session. Graduate students may work up to twenty hours a week. Students are required to report hours worked two ways; electronically or by submitting a paper time card. Students are paid weekly by check or direct deposit. All earnings are subject to Federal, State, and Local taxes.
本科生在注册期间每周工作不得超过20小时,假期每周不得超过40小时。研宂 生可以一周工作20小时。学生要通过以下两种方式报告工作时长:教电子版的或提交 纸质时间卡。学生的工资每周发放,通过支票支付或直接打钱。学生的工资也要交联 邦税、州税、地方税。
If you are more interested in academic research, you can join in the Faculty Aide Program. The program encourages professors to hire undergraduate research assistant. It provides opportunities for undergraduates to become closely involved in the ongoing research of a Harvard faculty member. Faculty Aide Awards are granted to the faculty member directly. Approved applicants are awarded one $1,500 grant for the academic year or summer term to be used by one student or divided among several.
如果你对学术研宄更感兴趣的话,你可以加 入教员助手计划。该计划鼓励教授雇用本科生做 研宄助手,为本科生提供机会,让其更深入地参 与哈佛教师正在进行的研宄。教员助手奖金直接 颁给教员。经批准的申请人可以在那一学年或暑 期得到1500美元的奖金,这些钱用在一个学生身 上或几个学生平分。