
Husband spoiling video game indulged stepson
Dear Annie: 
My 21-year-old stepson, "Sam," is smart, strong, healthy, good-looking—and lazy. 
He dropped out of college after two years, and his life's ambition appears to be never to work another day in his life. He's had one job that lasted eight months and that's it. He intended to live at his mother's house, but his stepfather threatened to charge him rent, so he fled to our home instead. He comes and goes as he pleases, sometimes walking in at dawn. He sleeps odd hours and eats all our food. 
My husband and I are on a tight budget, and our food bill has doubled. We already bought him a car and still pay for the insurance. We also pay for his cell phone. The worst part is that Sam doesn't treat us like parents. I don't believe it is healthy to enable Sam's deadbeat lifestyle, but my husband says I am blowing it all out of proportion. Am I? — Stressed-Out 
Dear Stressed-Out: 
It doesn't help Sam to indulge his worst habits. Sam should get a job and pay rent. Because your husband cannot see the damage he is doing to his son, it will be difficult to convince him to change the dynamic. Suggest family counseling to work on the situation before it gets worse.