英语悠选脱口秀 第13期:“高跟鞋潜规则”(在线收听


Today's key word is –High Heels“高跟鞋潜规则”.(weight. n.重量,体重; vt.加重于,使变重; 使负重,使负担或压迫;
This is especially true for high heels lovers.
Cannes you wear that? Women without heels refused entry to film festival. The Cannes Film Festival has been making a lot of headlines recently, but not for its movies.Last week, several women reported being denied entry to the event on the basis of their footwear. The festival requires "elegant" dress, which some decided meant high heels, meaning the flat-heeled women were not let it.Several of the women were reported to be older with medical issues –including one who is an amputee – that prevented the wearing of heels.While the organizers later stated there was no official band against flats, the incident has sparked widespread outrage on and off the web.The incident also comes amidst efforts by organizers to increase the representation of women at the film exhibition.
Do you wear High Heels?
Do you wear High Heels?