英语悠选脱口秀 第14期:何炅真的在吃空响吗?(在线收听


Today's key word is :resign It means to give up one's office or position. To quit.辞职
Mr. Lee resigned his position last month.
Now let's learn the word in the news.
He Jiong, a teacher and famous TV host has resigned from the university he works for following freeloading allegations.
Mr. He, a teacher with Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) and a renowned entertainment show host. Qiao Mu, one of He's BFSU colleagues, accused Hejiong of abusing public resources without working for the university.The University has issued a statement refuting the freeloading rumor amid massive media attention.The statement says He was mainly assigned with campus image publicity and other tasks since a 2007 staff reshuffle, and that He had returned all his salaries during the 2007-2015 period.The statement also says that He has voluntarily resigned after serious consideration, and that the university welcomes media and public supervision.So, about school faculties' responsibility, what are the basic requirements for the staff in Universities to follow? For the alumnus, how could they better contribute to the University?For more about that, now joining us live on the phone line is:Anthony R. Welch, Professor of Education, University of Sydney.