英语悠选脱口秀 第15期:背诵全文,学车免费!(在线收听


Today's key word is: recite It means to read something out loud or say something from memory usually for an audience. 背诵
recite the poems
recite the English words
Now let's learn the word in the news.
A driving school in Wuhan, central China's Hubei province, has announced a plan that encourages college students to learn more about Chinese literature. If you can recite some of the traditional Chinese literature, you might have a discount.
Here is how it works. If you can recite more than 30,000 characters from classic Chinese literature works, you will be able to take the driving lessons for free.
And the original price for a full course is 3,800 yuan, which is around 600 US dollars.
If you can recite more than 8,000 characters, you will get a discount of 1,500 yuan. And more than 1,000 characters, a discount of 200 yuan.
So far, many college students have taken on the challenge.
Here is one student Le Yanyan, a senior majoring in Chinese literature, even managed to win the free lessons.
Explaining why the school has come up with this plan, the principal Ma Deming says he is a big fan of all the traditional Chinese literature and wants to do his part in helping promote it.
He adds that it contains lots of profound thoughts and teaches the basic principles to conduct oneself, which can be beneficial to college students as well.