英语悠选脱口秀 第17期:机器人教英语(在线收听


Today's key word is robot 机器人
A robot is a machine which is programmed to move and perform certain tasks automatically.
Here's an example:
She worked like a robot.
In the movie, Avengers2: Age of Ultron. Ultron is, to some extent, an intelligent robot.
Now let's learn the word in the news.In China's Jiangxi Province, a robot teacher is now taking lesson at university.The teaching robot "Xiaomei" is a product of the university's research team, which takes a month to make.It is the first time for schools in Jiangxi to use a robot teacher.She is all dressed up. She is wearing a long light yellow dress part of which is with lace, and a white suit as top. And a silk dark blue scarf around the neck as well.
How to do a robot voice?Can you do a robot voice? (The tip is from Maker.TV)