
周七天,五天在工作;一天24个小时,除去睡觉时间,8个小时需要工作。要想幸福,先工作的快乐,看完以下几点,你将知道你为什么工作不快乐;做到以下几点,你将知道快乐工作so easy!
Daydream more rather than less.
The idea that daydreaming and working are mutually exclusive belongs back in the 20th century. It's when you let your thoughts wander that you're more likely to have the insights that will make you both unique and more competitive.
Don't bother with hate: it's not worth the effort.
Hate is an emotional parasite that eats away at your energy and health. If something is wrong with the world and you can change it, take action. If you can't take action, you're better off to forgive and forget.