乔布斯传 第94期:期权纷争(在线收听


When Mike Markkula joined Jobs and Wozniak to turn their fledgling partnership into the Apple Computer Co. in January 1977, they valued it at $5,309.
Less than four years later they decided it was time to take it public.
It would become the most oversubscribed initial public offering since that of Ford Motors in 1956.
By the end of December 1980, Apple would be valued at $1.79 billion.
Yes, billion. In the process it would make three hundred people millionaires.
Daniel Kottke was not one of them.
He had been Jobs's soul mate in college, in India, at the All One Farm, and in the rental house they shared during the Chrisann Brennan crisis.
He joined Apple when it was headquartered in Jobs's garage, and he still worked there as an hourly employee.
But he was not at a high enough level to be cut in on the stock options that were awarded before the IPO.
"I totally trusted Steve, and I assumed he would take care of me like I'd taken care of him, so I didn't push," said Kottke.
The official reason he wasn't given stock options was that he was an hourly technician, not a salaried engineer, which was the cutoff level for options.
Even so, he could have justifiably been given "founder's stock," but Jobs decided not to.
"Steve is the opposite of loyal," according to Andy Hertz-feld, an early Apple engineer who has nevertheless remained friends with him.
"He's anti-loyal. He has to abandon the people he is close to."
Kottke decided to press his case with Jobs by hovering outside his office and catching him to make a plea.
But at each encounter, Jobs brushed him off.
"What was really so difficult for me is that Steve never told me I wasn't eligible," recalled Kottke.
"He owed me that as a friend. When I would ask him about stock, he would tell me I had to talk to my manager."
Finally, almost six months after the IPO, Kottke worked up the courage to march into Jobs's office and try to hash out the issue.
But when he got in to see him, Jobs was so cold that Kottke froze.
"I just got choked up and began to cry and just couldn't talk to him," Kottke recalled.
"Our friendship was all gone. It was so sad."
Rod Holt, the engineer who had built the power supply, was getting a lot of options, and he tried to turn Jobs around.
"We have to do something for your buddy Daniel," he said, and he suggested they each give him some of their own options.
"Whatever you give him, I will match it," said Holt.
Replied Jobs, "Okay. I will give him zero."