美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-4-13(在线收听


1. After nearly 3 weeks of searching, Belgian authorities say they've arrested the "man in the hat", who was seen alongside two suicide bombers at the Brussels airport. Mohamed Abrini was arrested yesterday and confessed to being the man in the image. 

2. Clashes broke out in Paris on Saturday between protesters and riot police at a rally over labor reforms being championed by the socialist government. Demonstrators were struck with clouds of tear gas as they threw objections back at police. 

3. U.S Secretary of state John Kerry was in Afghanistan on Saturday, where he's urging the power-sharing leaders of the country to bury their "factional  divisions". The Afghan government has shown little progress since Kerry helped to install the leaders less than 2 years ago. 

4. There is a new face on Sesame street. She is a sassy 6-year old Afghan puppet girl named Zari. She is the first Afghan character on the show, now on its 5th season of Afghanistan's local production. 
