VOA慢速英语2016 特迪瓦女子乐队突破社会传统取得成功(在线收听


The nine women of Bella Mondo win over yet another audience. The group is one of just a handful of all-women ensembles in Ivory Coast.

贝拉蒙多的9个女人再度赢得了另一批观众。这个团体是 科特迪瓦为数不多的全女子乐队。

It all started in 2007. Prisca Allou was a music student. A music producer came to see her. He said he wanted to make an all-female orchestra to fulfill a promise to his late mother. Allou got on board and was charged with recruiting other members.


“It wasn’t easy at first. Some parents were against it. You know, in Africa, the place of women is often seen as being either in an office, or at home. That was the stereotypical image.”


Allou spread the word and took out ads in local papers. Most of the girls she found were not professional players.


“I just played some tamtam. I learned to play drums when I joined Bella Mondo.”


The girls spent the next four years learning to play their instruments.


Many gave up along the way, but eight of them soldiered on with Allou, and Bella Mondo was born.


The band plays original songs and covers.


Their music spans a wide range of styles: funk, reggae, pop music.

她们的音乐跨度很大,而且风格多样: 放克,雷鬼音乐及流行乐。

They released their first album in 2013...and have performed in Paris, Dakar, Cotonou and, of course, here at home in Abidjan. You can see them nearly every Thursday at this bar, the same venue that gave the band its start years ago.

她们在2013年发布了自己的第一张专辑…而且在巴黎,达喀尔,科托努,当然,也在自己家乡的阿比让表演。在这个酒吧几乎每个星期四你都能见到她们, 这支乐队几年前就开始在这里演出。

“Oh yes, I was surprised at first. A woman singing, you see that everyday, but an entire band, playing all the instruments and everything? It was extraordinary. I was dumbstruck. Bella Mondo is a great band.”



The women are now working on their second album.

