英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0411 - 本科论文需要独创吗?(在线收听

Topic1-Officials Questioned on TV Shows
TV shows of government officials presenting work report and being questioned by the audience have become quite popular these days. Will such shows be effective in fighting corruption or just a platform for government officials to garner more publicity?
Topic2-Diabetes Risk Rising for Both Children and Adults
Globally, 420 million adults are living with diabetes 糖尿病, a quarter of them Chinese. The World Health Organization says the disease will see a monstrous rise in China if things don't change. But how can we stem the escalation of diabetes cases in China?
Topic3-University Professor Suggests to Cancel "Statement of Originality" in Undergraduate Education
The ability of undergraduates to write a thesis with originality 独创性 has been questioned by a professor. If originality is required, are we simply sending graduates on a wild goose chase?
Topic4-Wakeup Service on Bus
A bus company in Zhengzhou, central China's Henan Province, has launched a wake-up service to prevent sleepy passengers from missing their stops. Would exhausted travelers worry about missing their stops no more?