英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0413 - 鸣不鸣笛,这是个问题(在线收听

Topic1-80% of Shallow Groundwater in China Not Drinkable: Report
According to China's Ministry of Water Resources, more than 80 percent of shallow groundwater in the country isn't suitable for drinking due to poor quality. What is shallow groundwater? How big is the problem?
Topic2- To honk or not to honk? It is a question.
When you are driving, to honk or not to honk? Could be a question. In the central area in Shanghai, honking the horn can be punished. Shanghai has punished over 28 hundred drivers for illegal honking the horn. Why do so many drivers have the bad habit?
Topic3-Residents in Four-tier Cities Have Highest Sense of Urban Identity
A report shows that Chinese citizens in four-tier cities have the highest sense of urban identity attached towards the city. When it comes to the sense of belonging, the findings on peers living in the first, second or third-tier cities pales by comparison. Why is that?
Topic4-Kindergarten Education
A Chinese grandparent has called a newspaper office to lodge a complaint against the kindergarten for NOT teaching the kid how to write Chinese characters. Has the kindergarten done its job? And what should be taught to kindergarten kids?