英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0418-怎样能瞒天过海娶四个老婆(在线收听

Topic 1-Database of marriages suggested
A Beijing court has convicted a man of bigamy or 重婚罪, after it was found that he had 4 wives over the course of 8 years. There were years when he was enjoying the life being so-called married to two women at the same time! How could this happen and what can we do to prevent such thing from happening again?
Topic 2-Prime office buildings in Beijing close doors to “P2P ”companies
Beijing Youth Daily reports that some of the best office buildings in Beijing's central business district are closing their doors to companies in the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending sector. This is after the sector plagued by a string of investment scandals.
Topic 3-Is it time to get rid of the public transport cards deposit?
Swiping your travel card as you get on a bus or on the subway is what commuters do every day. To get the travel card though, requires you to pay a fee of deposit 公交卡押金beforehand. Is this charge of deposit reasonable? Further, where did this money go?
Topic 4-Stephen Hawking's many Chinese fans are over the moon as he joins them on weibo
Stephen Hawking had a cosmically good week in China. The 74-year-old British astrophysicist joined Sina Weibo, China’s biggest microblogging service, last week. With his 2 weibo posts, he’s attracted more than 3.3 million followers already.