世界名人简介 第8期:安妮·弗兰克(在线收听

 Anne Frank was a young Jewish German girl who gained international fame after her death following the publication of her diary. She wrote about her life, thoughts and experiences of hiding from the Nazis in WorldWar II. Her account of her two years spent in an attic in Amsterdam became an international best seller. She died aged 15 in a German concentration camp.

Anne Frank was born in 1929 in Germany. Her father was a German officer from World War I. Anne was a very studious and diligent student who had a passion for books. She moved to Amsterdam with her family after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933. She attended a Montessori school and was a very energetic and outgoing girl.
In June 1942, Anne received a notebook for her thirteenth birthday. She decided to use it as a diary and wrote about her dreams to become an actress. In July, she and her family were ordered to go to a work camp.Instead, they hid in the attic of her father’s workplace. They shared the small space with another familyfor two years.
In August 1944, German security police discovered the hideout and arrested its occupants. Anne was sent tothe Auschwitz concentration camp. Anne died in March 1945 and was buried in a mass grave, the whereabouts of which is still unknown. Her diary was found and given to her father. It is one of the most widely read books in the world today.
1.Auschwitz concentration camp 奥斯维辛集中营
The children liberated from the Auschwitz concentration camp. January 1945.
2.a passion for 酷爱
Even in earthly terms it can be fairly sad that if you have a passion for nothing, you haveno life at all.
3.come to power 当权
Revolutionaries who come to power by force of arms usually have great crimes in their background.
4.gain fame 名声大噪
Some successful people managed to gain fame and fortune even though they dropped out of school.