澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-03-21(在线收听


Rolling strikes by immigration and border protection staff will disrupt airport this Easter for thousands of Australians traveling overseas. Border force staff will be striking from Tuesday while industrial action begins today in other commonwealth agencies including medicare, centerlink and the tax office. The community and public sector union says staff are protesting a two-year wage freeze and reduce flexibility in some agreements. 

Last week, ugly scenes in the Senator have failed to dent voter support for the government in the latest newspoll. But the premier minister’s approve rating has taken a hit. The newspoll published today puts the Coalition ahead on the two-party preferred basis 51 percent to Labor’s 49 percent. But PM personal satisfaction rating has slipped with more people disapproving than approving of Mr. Turnbull for the first time since he took office. 

Survivors of the 2014 Sydney siege will officially tell their stories for the first time when the inquest resumes today. Cafe manager Tori Johnson, hostage Katrina Dawson and gunman Man Haron Monis were killed after a 16-hour standoff at the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place. This part of the inquest is expected to take 12 weeks and will also investigate the police response to the incident. 

And US president Barack Obama has touched down in Cuba becoming the first American president to visit the communist nation in nearly 90 years. He will meet Cubin president Raul Castro but not meet Mr. Castro’s brother, the retired revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro.
