
 S: Blair Blair, wait, where are you going? Blair, wait.Why are you so mad? 

B:Why am I mad? You mean why aren't I furious? I can't believe for one second I thought that it'd be different this time!
S:You thought what would be different?
B:You couldn't deal with the spotlight shining on me for once, could you?
S:What are you talking about? I was told we were doing this together.What, did you not get my message?
B:What about this morning then? When you glanced at the call sheet, did you see my name on it? When I wasn't in hair and make up, didn't that seem strange? When the dressing room only had your name on the door, what, did you think they just forgot?
S:I was told you were running late, and they asked me to do some test shots first. Blair,they told me you wanted me here.
B:And you believed them?
S:Look, Blair, I encouraged you to do this. Why would I try to steal something from you that I pushed you to do?
B:Because you take everything from me!
   Nate, my mom!
B:You can't even help it. It's who you are. I just thought maybe this time it would be different. I should have known I'd be wrong.
S:Blair Blair 等等 你要去哪里? Blair 等等 你干吗这么生气?
B:我干吗这么生气?你是指我干吗不暴跳如雷?我真是一秒钟都不能相信 我还以为这一次会有不同
B:聚光灯照在我身上一次你都不能接受 是吧?
S:你在说什么?有人告诉我 我们会一起做这个 什么 你没收到我的信息吗?
B:那么早上呢?当你瞥一眼通告时 你看到我名字在上面了吗?当我没做头发也没化妆时 看上去不是很奇怪吗?当化妆间门上只有你的名字时 怎么 你以为他们只是忘了写上去吗?
S:有人告诉我你来晚了 他们要我先拍摄一些试验照 Blair 他们告诉我 你需要我在这里
S:听着 Blair 我鼓励你去做这个 既然我鼓动你去做的事 我干吗还要从你那偷过来做?
B:因为什么东西 你都要从我这里抢走!
B:你甚至管不住你自己 你就是这样 我还以为可能这次会有不同 我早该知道我是错的