澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-04-04(在线收听


Unprecedented leak of 11 million documents has reviewed the money laundering, corruption and hidden dealings of some of the world's wealthiest people. 12 current and former world leaders and further 128 public officials have been named. Some of those include friends of Russian president Vladmir Putin, members of China's Communist Party elite and relatives of Syria's president Bashar al-assad. There were also 800 Australians identified in the documents including individuals already under scrutiny from the Australian federal police and Tax Office.

The Fairwork Commission has ordered striking airport workers back to work amid concerns about national security. The Department of Immigration applied later on Friday for all strike action to be suspended for three months.

The first plane has taken off from Brussels' airport 12 days after an attack by suicide bombers killed 16 people there. And the bombings at the airport and the Brussels metro station left a total of 32 people dead.

Controversial MP Denis Jenson says he is considering leaving the Liberal Party after being ousted as the candidate for the West Australian state of T. Liberal preselecters have chosen WA Liberal director Ben M to replace Mr. Jenson as the candidate. 

A new report from the Grattan Institute has slamed the adhoc approach of past decisions on federal infrastructure projects. The think tank says too much money has been spent on the wrong projects in the wrong places.
