澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-04-05(在线收听


For the first time since Malcom Turnbull became prime minister, Labor is leading the coliation in the key opinion poll. A news poll published in the Australian has Labor ahead 51 to 49 on a two Party basis. And Labor's primary vote has also risen 2 points. Cabinet minister Christopher Pann has told Q&A the Federal government had a messy week last week, but Labor senator Sam Dastyari says it shows the honeymoon is over for Malcom Turnbull. ''sure powers come and go, and today's news poll as a reflection of the messy week that Greg Sheradan so hopefully talked about. This is a bad government with bad policies that wants to do bad things. And as a result, it is going to be a very very tight very close election.

The fallout from the leaked papers exposing global tax avoidance is growing, with investigations under way into 800 Australians identified in the leaks. They include John P who was convicted over his role in the fine * racing scandals and a motel in Western Sydney which is linked to violent incidence.

Thousands of people are protesting in iceland after the Panama papers reviewed the nation's prime minister had an undeclared interest linked to his wife's wealth. He has ruled out stepping down, and stormed out of an interview after being asked about his investments.

A standoff between a man and police in Melborne's west has ended peacefully after 14 hours. A street in M was closed after a 43 year old man refused to open his door to police and threatened to set fire to his house.
