澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-04-10(在线收听


The Australian Share Market has ended weaker but well off its session Lows. Investors are worried about the strength of the globe economy. The sell-off banking and energy shares led the declines. by the close the All Ords lost half percent as did the ASX 200 index.  ANZ and Westpac were the worst of the big four. Newcrest mining jumped on the back of the stronger gold prices. Nine Entertainment announced the new Chief Financial Officer. A trading update earlier this week saw the company share price plunge. Origin Energy was one of the worst in the energy related space. Across the region, Jappan's Nikkei has bounced back from an earlier losses. There are reasonable falls across China.  gold prices is giving back recent gains. Crude oil prices came down 1% overnight. And the Australian dollar is recovering against the greenback.

The Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorton says an incoming led the government would hold the Royal Commission into misconduct in financial and banking services. Earlier this week the corporate regulator ASIC announced it was bringing legal actions against Westpac over the bank's alleged manipulation of a key market interest rate for which it profited. ASIC brought the similar case against ANZ. But both banks have denied the allegations. Federal Treasurer Scot Morrison has brushed off the need for a public inquiry saying ASIC's power is stronger than the Royal Commission, which would be a distraction from debate about union corruption.
