澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-04-11(在线收听


Detectives were saw today in Donar's street in Melbourne's North-east looking for witnesses to the death of a 15 month-old toddler. The girl's mother says she was snatched from her prime while walking in a ark on Saturday morning. Search volunteers found the child's body in a creek early yesterday. Polices were seen searching the toddler's home yesterday but say their only suspect is the attacker believed to a man of African appearance aged between 20 and 30. 

Federal MP Clive Palmer is under scrutiny after a fresh revelation to his company Queensland Nickel. Tonight 's Four Corners program reveals a string of inter-company payments made by Queensland Nickel to other Clive Palmer companies in a month before it collapsed. Four Corners has also obtained fresh evidence that Clive Palmer approved millions of dollars in spending at the company at times when he was not listed as a director. 

Medical volunteers say 300 people have been injured after Macedonia police fired tear gas to the group of asylum seekers the the border with Greece. The Macedonia police said they used tear gas in response to the rock-throwing which injured three officers.

And the uptake of music streaming has lifted growth in Australia's music industry for the first time in three years. ARIA figures show there's been a 5% increase in music industry revenue in 2015. Streaming subscriptions doubled last year while CD sells and on-line downloads both went down.
