澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-04-18(在线收听


Now the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull returns to parliament this week with two polls putting his government equal or just behind Labor. A Fairfax Ipsos Poll has the government and Labor neck and neck while a newspoll has again put the Coalition 2 points behind Labor 51 points to 49. The PM has recalled the parliament to pass the government’s bill to bring back the construction industry watchdog. Crossbench Senator Rick Mule told us earlier on Breakfast that there’s not clear whether the government will generally compromise to pass the bill or instead push for that double-dissolution trigger. 

“Here we see the government is actually being passing its bill or whether this is a more just operation, but then we had to get a double-dissolution. It’s really the million-dollar question at the moment. It does fell like one of the final . ”

At least, 235 people have been confirmed dead after Ecuador was hit by its most powerful earthquake in decades. Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa declared the state of emergency after the magnitude 7.8 quake struck on Saturday. 

Olympian Grant Hackett has been released by Federal police after allegedly harassing another passenger on a domestic flight. Passengers on a flight from Adelaide to Melbourne report that Mr. Hackett assault the person sitting in front of him for reclining his seat. Federal Police spokesman has confirmed police spoke to a 35-year-old man at Melbourne Airport. A photo of a man alleged to be Mr. Hackett slumped in the wheelchair was aired on commercial TV last night.
