世界名人简介 第49期:伊莲娜·伊辛巴耶娃(在线收听

 Yelena Isinbayeva is the greatest female pole vaulter ever. She won the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Gold Medal and has twice been the IAAF’s Female Athlete of the Year. In 2005, she became the first woman to clear five metres and is the current world record holder. Isinbayeva is also an avid reader of Russian history and a collector of dolphins,both model and real.

Isinbayeva was born in Volgograd, Russia in 1982. From the age of five, she trained as a gymnast. However, she quit the sport when she was 15 because at 1.74 metres she was too tall. She loved competition and switched to pole vaulting. Her first big competition was the 1998 World Junior Championships, where she finished ten centimeters outside the medals.
Isinbayeva showed her true potential in 1999 at the World Youth Games in Poland. She cleared 4.10m to take her very first gold medal. She would improve by nearly one metre over the next decade. In 2000, she won gold again at the Youth Games and the European Junior Championships
In 2003, Yelena burst onto the world stage when she broke the world record, clearing 4.82m at a meeting in England. She built up an intense rivalry with her compatriot Svetlana Feofanova. Going into the 2004 Olympics, Feofanova was world record holder. Isinbayeva won gold and reclaimed the world record. She plans to compete until the World Championships in Moscow in 2013.
2003年,她在英国举行的大奖赛上以4米82的成绩打破世界纪录,而这也让她站上了世界舞台。她的最大竞争对手是同胞斯维特兰娜·菲奥法诺娃。2004年,菲奥法诺娃打破了世界纪录。之后,伊辛巴耶娃再次获得冠军,并再次打破世界纪录。她计划在2013年莫斯科田径世锦赛之后退役。 record 世界纪录
例句:The achievement he made heads the world record.
2.pole vaulter 撑杆跳高运动员
例句:Born in the United States to Greek parents, Clentzos was a pole vaulter at the University of Southern California in the early 1930s.
3.record holder 纪录保持者
例句:Second, "until now tablets had been found only in a handful of major palaces"—including the previous record holder, which was found among palace ruins in what was the city of Mycenae.
第二,直到现在,粘土碑也仅在屈指可数的一些主要宫殿中发现,包括之前的纪录保持者也是在迈锡尼城市废墟中发现的。 medal 金牌
例句:Each country wants every gold medal. That is understandable.