
I need a rich men too 我也需一个有钱男人
jangling 摆弄某件东西
distract [dis'tr?kt] 转移或分散

We were discussing the "don'ts" of public speaking
in the PR class I teach.
"Don'ts" include a man reaching into his pant pocket
and jangling change as he speaks, which is very distracting.
To illustrate my point, I asked for a student volunteer, saying,
"I need a man with coins in his pocket."
What I got was a girl yelling out, "Honey, so do I!"
We were discussing the "don'ts" of public speaking
in the PR class I teach.
"Don'ts" include a man reaching into his pant pocket
and jangling change as he speaks, which is very distracting.
To illustrate my point, I asked for a student volunteer,
saying, "I need a man with coins in his pocket."
What I got was a girl yelling out, "Honey, so do I!"

public relations
jangling 摆弄某件东西,弄出刺耳的响声
The bell jangled at midnight.
distract 转移或分散
distract from
The noise on the street distracts me from reading.
illustrate 举例说明
His story illustrates Mary's true generosity very clearly.
]We were discussing the "don'ts" of public speaking
in the PR class I teach.
"Don'ts" include a man reaching into his pant pocket
and jangling change as he speaks, which is very distracting.
To illustrate my point, I asked for a student volunteer, saying,
"I need a man with coins in his pocket."
What I got was a girl yelling out, "Honey, so do I!"
