散文:I dwell in Possibility(在线收听

I dwell in Possibility -
A fairer House than Prose -
More numerous of Windows -
Superior - for Doors -
Of Chambers as the Cedars -
Impregnable of Eye -
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky -
Of Visitors - the fairest -
For Occupation - This -
The spreading wide of narrow Hands
To gather Paradise -
Possibility, is definitely a house. Its doors are "impregnable" as Cedars are: one cannot see through them. Its roof is as high as the sky; the sky has, literally, no gambrels; but if one were to imagine a roof-like sky, then that would be the room of this house. Compared to "Prose", it is fairer and has more windows and superior doors. Its visitors, are the fairest, perhaps because they give into possibilities and dream of all the things they can do. 
Paradise is the farthest space conceivable, and the mind can expand to include it in this peculiar house, as a vocation for the speaker. "Spreading wide" implies wings, but what fascinates most is the "wide"/"narrow" duality: the Hands, by themselves, are narrow. "Spread", they are wide.
我居住于无限可能 –
一栋更美好的房子,比起散文 –  
更多的窗户 –   
更优越的门 –
雪松般的内室 –  
是穹苍起伏的波纹 –
访客 – 最为美丽  
而我所做的 – 是这个 –
将天堂采集 –